Brain Training For Dogs Review – Is it a SCAM ?

Brain Training For Dogs Review – Is it a SCAM?

brain training for dogs review

I like pets, particularly dogs, as a dog owner and lover. When they come and jump on you when we get home from work or a trip, I adore it when they make loving gestures toward you.

I'm sure it's a hit with everyone. Isn't that what you're thinking?

Do you know why dogs are the most popular kind of pet that people keep and adopt?

This is because they are very intelligent and have a superior understanding of human emotions.

They learn whether or not their Master is in distress, as well as whether or not he is in a pleasant mood at the time. They're also completely trustworthy.

Apart from that, pet dogs might suffer from a variety of issues, which can range from behavioral to food, sleep, body, and other issues.

No dog is perfect, and every dog has a problem in some area or is struggling with something. The majority of the time, it is their Owner who has the most difficulty.

So, in this article, I'll give you a thorough and up-to-date review of Brain Training For Dogs, as well as a story that will perhaps help you simplify your life.

What exactly is Brain Training For Dogs?

The most significant feature of Brain Training 4 Dogs, and the one that appealed to me the most, is that it is a non-violent training technique. You don't have to force your dog to do anything or risk injuring him. As the name says, this is “Brain Training.”

I used to assume that dogs had to be educated through dominance or some other technique in which they were driven to do something to avoid punishment before purchasing this course. That's why, stupid me, I refused to train my dog.

Force-free training and positive reinforcement result in enhanced cognitive capacity and intelligence in dogs. When I bought Adrienne Farricelli's Course, it was $60, however, it's now less expensive if you use the link below.

brain training for dogs review

What's included in this Training Program?

I acquired a Secret Discount code from a link someone posted on a Dog forum I was a member of, therefore I bought this Dog Training Program for 20% off. The Free Discount Coupon may be found here.

I received my access information through email as soon as I paid for the course. The image below is of the homepage of the member's login section, which had remedies to not just all of the difficulties I faced with my Heidi, but also to any difficulty that any dog can have throughout his life.

dog training for dogs review

Adrienne Farricelli provides solutions for any difficulty in her Training program, whether it's a behavioral or lifestyle issue.

In the image above, you can see that there are six categories in the Menu part of this area. They are as follows:-

  • Dog Training and Courses
  • Puppy Training
  • Behavior Problems
  • Adrienne’s Archives
  • Case Studies
  • Forum

1.Dog Training and Courses

The framework of this dog training program is excellent, and the interface is user-friendly and intuitive. Adrienne explains each stage with the help of her favorite dog, Einstein.

She is practical, which is why she includes visuals with the information to show how to do what she suggests.

dog training for dogs

The framework of this dog training program is excellent, and the interface is user-friendly and intuitive. Adrienne explains each stage with the help of her favorite dog, Einstein.

She is practical, which is why she includes visuals with the information to show how to do what she suggests.

2.Puppy Training

This category is mostly concerned with pups and how puppy parents should begin to devote daily time to their training in order to avoid future complications (like me). People who are planning to adopt a dog in the near future can benefit from the puppy training section.

A Sneak Peek at the Puppies Section:

Brain training for dogs review

As you can see in the illustration above, there are several methods and approaches for training a puppy depending on his age. He is developing throughout his fear stage (8-10 weeks), and it is critical to forming a friendship and love relationship with him.

As a result, at that stage of growth, training methods are a bit different.

3.Behavioral problems

Our section on Behavioral Issues is an essential aspect of this dog training course. This category is mostly concerned with remedies to various behavioral issues that dog owners have with their pets.

Aggression, whining, barking, psychological disorders, and a variety of other difficulties are addressed in this area.

Here's a little glimpse at what's in store:-

brain training for dog review

Each subcategory is further divided into at least 10-15 articles with accompanying photos that discuss methods and tactics for resolving the problem in your dog. The language is simple to comprehend, and there is plenty of substance to answer the reader's pet concerns.

For example, there are 20 extensive pieces in the aggressiveness section that truly helped me grasp Heidi's attitude and psychology and then put the answers I learned in training to work.

Here's some information on how to stop your dog from barking.

brain training for dogs

4. Adrienne’s Archive

This category comprises all of the most significant answers to the issues and issues that Adrienne feels to be the most prevalent and will benefit any dog lover.

It is divided into two subcategories:

brain training for dogs

  • Article Archives

It has a comprehensive collection of information on typical dog issues such as barking and aggressiveness in one convenient location.

  • Video Archives

This section is unique in that it has a collection of movies shot by Adrienne with her dog Einstein to teach all users, in particular, about behavior modification and trick training approaches that cannot be adequately communicated through textual information.

5.Case Study

Adrienne recounts her own experience with the two dogs she taught out of the many she met in this category. Sadie and Maggie were the dogs in question.

Adrienne was given Sadie, a therapy and service dog, as a rescue dog. She had several issues, including whimpering, standing next to the door for hours, and possessiveness.

Maggie had an odd habit of leaping on people in her environment. Adrienne's ability to address her situation was extremely difficult.


It is reasonable for all users to have some reservations and questions about the strategies utilized in the training courses. Members can seek assistance from other members and share their experiences with them.

Adrienne even responds directly to particular doubts that require her immediate response. Many of my fears about aggressiveness and biting issues were dispelled by helpful members of the Brain Training for Dogs forum.

brain training for dogs review

In a nutshell, the following items are included in this course:

  • The E-Book version of the Main Dog Training Manual is a 328-page PDF document.
  • There's also a free 89-page Dog Behavioral Training Manual that's quite useful.
  • 21 videos teach and describe the inside details of dog behavior and how to make your dog follow you in addition to this wealth of useful information. These video tutorials have proven to be beneficial.

Who will be Benefited From this Training program?

brain training for dogs review

Certainly, dog owners like Ricky and me would be the ones to solve our problem. Now, to be clear, there are some excellent techniques and methods for training your dog to become a "good dog," but there is no such thing as magic in this world.

You must mentally prepare yourself with the mindset that this isn't a magical wound and that you will require patience and dedication to learn these unique dog training techniques and then put in the hard work with your dog. Be patient and keep working hard since your dog will not start listening to you in a fortnight.

Dog training takes time, but it is well worth it since it will save you not only from embarrassment or having to constantly control your dog, but it will also save you money that you would have spent on a dog trainer or other expenses ( In my Case it was Doctors Expense and that Expensive Cream to get rid of Teeth Marks ).

Also, anyone with a dog that is having behavioral issues such as barking, jumping, separation anxiety, leash pulling, biting, or anything else should give this mind-blowing dog training course a try. Even for puppy training and agility training, Brain Training for Dogs is effective.

If your dog ignores you during training or simply stares at you as you urge him to heed your directions, there's a good possibility he doesn't comprehend what you want him to do.

This is primarily due to his brain's inability to comprehend what his parents are attempting to do. Brain training for dogs is a game-changer in this situation. By mentally activating his brain, he will get the impression that you are ordering him to do anything, and he will eventually obey you.

That is why I strongly advise you to enroll in this course since it not only trains your dog's mentality but also assists you in removing other undesirable tendencies from him.

What is the Process of Brain Training For Dogs?

When you enter the training phase of this program, it is all about the bonding and trust that you and your dog will develop. It all depends on how you begin teaching him. As I previously stated, you must first be patient. Gradually, you will see changes in your dog's behavior that will make all of your hard work worthwhile.

So, at first, you'll need to earn your dog's trust by rewarding him with treats and praises or love whenever he does anything you ask. As long as you keep praising and showing love to your dog whenever he does what you've asked him to, he'll be motivated to work harder the next time.

This course will show you how to perform all of this...

From establishing trust in your dog's eyes to gradually getting him or her to obey your commands, and then gradually progressing from easy to more difficult tasks.

Adrienne Farricelli also debunked the myth that old dogs can't learn new tricks in Brain Training for Dogs. She demonstrated several unique techniques and methods for training an elderly dog. ( As I did with Heidi )

Adrienne Farricelli's methods are just amazing, and I feel they are the best in the world. Her charming personality will captivate you, and I'm sure dogs will as well (which is why they follow her). Please click here to see her video.

So now it's time to ask the Big Question...

Is this Dog Training Program Effective?

Yes, it works, is the simple answer. Heidi had undergone a significant transformation. From an aggressive female dog to one who is calm. She has progressed from biting me on purpose to now playing with me in a kind manner, and she clearly understands my emotions and what her owner expects of her.

She's a lot smarter now, and she's also a lot calmer. I'll tell you more about Heidi, as well as the shocking fact I mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Yes, this Training Program was beneficial to me. I'm really happy with it, and I believe that anyone willing to learn and work hard to improve their dog's bad habits may achieve what I did.

The author teaches you how to utilize treats and rewards, her training techniques are out of this world, and she will turn you into a good, if not professional, dog trainer.

Adrienne Farricelli's Brain Training 4 Dogs Course yielded positive results for me.

So now is the time for me to present my findings to you. Heidi did take some time to follow me and listen to my commands at first, but the rewards and techniques taught in this course helped me get her to obey my commands, and she has now stopped biting me as well as her aggressive behavior with known people.

Even if she tries to be aggressive toward someone, all it takes is one command from me to stop her in her tracks. That feels great, and I'm proud of myself for deciding to train Heidi and get Brain Training For Dogs.

Here's a little video of us after she learned to obey my commands. She used to run away when I took her on a walk, and I had to pull her tight to get her to stop and listen to me, but now look at this video.

As a result, Heidi has begun to obey my commands without the use of any rewards. This Dramatic Change in Her Behavior Can Be Seen As a Result of Adrienne Farricelli's Dog Training Techniques.

Not only can Brain Training For Dogs assist you in resolving your dog's behavioral issues, but it can also assist you in teaching your puppy all of the fundamental obedience instructions. Some examples are the commands "sit," "stay," "recall," and "stop."

Some agility trainers utilize this course to Unleash the Hidden Intelligence in their dogs' brains, allowing the dogs to accept their instructors' directions.

What Does Brain Training For Dogs Cost?

To date, I've read multiple dog training books by various writers. These books range in price from $15 to $20.

Even while many of the training approaches were similar in these publications, each one had something special to offer. Then there's the fact that I've signed up for several online dog training programs, some of which are just fantastic.

They can charge anything from $25 and $50 each month. Now, the part about these subscription plans that I don't like is that I have to pay every month.

But that is not the case with Adrienne Faricelli's Brain Training For Dogs. All you have to do is pay a one-time fee and you'll get access to training advice and practical videos on the same site. And this is for the rest of my life.

For Lifetime Access with No Hidden Fees, Brain Training For Dogs only $47. This was my favorite part. You can obtain good dog training for a reasonable fee.

The Advantages of This Dog Training Course

  • As I Said Earlier, This Training is Force-Free Training, Hence only Techniques of Positive Reinforcements are Used which is a Plus Point of this Brain Training.
  • The Author of This Training has Experience of 10 Years and She is a Professional Dog Trainer. She has trained tens of thousands of dogs, both young and old. As a result, she has compiled a comprehensive list of techniques and methods for training your dog to become a good dog.
  • This training is very simple to understand, and any dog owner who wants to train their dog may quickly learn the methods taught in Brain Training 4 Dogs.
  • Adrienne Farricelli has provided a wealth of useful dog training information and content in the form of PDFs and videos. Reading about her techniques and how she manages dogs will not bore you.
  • They give a Money Back Guarantee so Unsatisfied Customers may receive Their Money Back. This ensures that the customer receives exactly what she wants, rather than some nonsense. So, what's keeping you from enrolling in this course?

Con’s of This Dog Training Course

For people who are not Used to Reading Books, it would be a Tedious Task to Read such Much Content But because there are Videos Provided therefore is not such a Big Problem.

The Final Word on Dog Brain Training a digital book

Brain Training 4 Dogs Training recently assisted me in resolving issues with my dog Heidi. If I, a working mother with a plethora of responsibilities, can do it, so can anyone with a little dedication and patience.

If you are serious about training your dog, getting rid of his "bad habits," or making him a "good boy," I strongly advise you to get this training. I showed you my results, and I'm very looking forward to seeing yours. Please leave a comment below.

Whatever your dog's training goals are, this course will prove to be a game-changer. And why won't it turn out to be true? Adrienne has used her 10-year professional experience to impart all of her experience and advanced training techniques in her dog training curriculum.

What is the best place to get Brain Training for Dogs?

You may get this Dog Training Course with the Discount Coupon below, and I can tell you that it is well worth the money you spend.

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